Sunday, April 13, 2008

The time has come, the Walrus said

To talk of many things

Of ships, and seas, and sealing wax

Of cabbages and kings

And why the sea is boiling hot

And whether pigs have wings.

Lewis Caroll is probably one of the zanier preople dead. They don't make them well cracked like that anymore. A certain amount of ..licence is expected of a mathematician, I suppose. He was one, you k-know. With a s-stutter, which disappeared when telling tales. I am and will remain a great fan of his, and of many other things which absolutely make no sense at all. One of the greatest authors of nonsense wrote in Bengali; Sukumar Ray. One genius has translated them into English- a task which I and Satyajit Ray, his son (yep-the director) had believed to be impossible.
Of course, the best source of nonsense is the daily newspaper. What has Celebrity X taken for her nightcap this morning? America's run up to an election for an election. Indian cricket league- the great cash cow. And the fact that five swimming world records were broken on a single day has been relegated to the bottom-left corner of the 18th page.
No no, the editor will say, our priorities are absolutely correct. You see, the fact that Paris Hilton has taken a cocoa martini this morning will cause a rise in the price of cocoa in Nigeria because of expectations of increased sales. This will reduce the dependence of the local dictators on the CIA for arms, and that will cause a fall in the domestic arms production, leading to increasing recession in the US, thus affecting the chances for election of Hillary Clinton.
And everyone knows that sportspersons tend to reduce records bit by bit, so that they do not run out of headlines (or tailines, in this case). This was decided in the Greek Olympiad, circa 435 BC. Look at Bubka. He tended to break his own records, one by one.
And what is frightening, of course, is that our dear editors may be right.

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